Investment Studies Center (ISC), the training arm of Union of Investment Companies (UIC), organized a training program on “Advanced Financial Statements Analysis (Balance Sheet Focused)” during the period 28th – 30th January 2024 at UIC premises, The program was opened by Mrs. Fadwa Darwish – UIC Secretary General, who pointed out the importance of the program, which is based on analyzing financial statements in depth in order to understand all items of the budget, income statement, and cash flow statement according to international accounting standards. The program also dealt with how to analyze financial statements by calculating ratios that indicate the company’s liquidity and suitability and how it uses assets, the matter that helps financial analysts in identifying strengths, weaknesses in companies and choosing appropriate investments.
This program is important for all those working in the financial sector so that they can identify the strengths and weaknesses of companies when analyzing their financial statements. During the program, the budget of fixed assets and financial assets, the income statement, cash flow statement, ownership lease, bond issuance, and other topics related to financial analysis were analyzed.
A number of financial analysts, credit officers, and executives from investment companies, real estate companies, banks, and insurance companies participated in this program.